Karena pakai aplikasi Tuku Sayur, kamu bisa belanja sayur, buah, daging halal dan produk segar lainnya dan dikirimkan langsung ke depan pintu rumah kamu.
Tinggal duduk manis di rumah, kamu tinggal pilih jenis produk segar langsung dari aplikasi Tuku Sayur. Mudah kan? Dengan proses memilih kategori sayur, buah, daging dan lainya kamu tidak perlu lagi bingung mau makan apa hari ini.
Tuku Sayur sekarang sudah tersedia di Play Store. Belanja sayuran, buah, daging dan lainya kini sudah tidak ribet lagi.
Yuk...Pasang sekarang Aplikasi Tuku Sayur di Handphone kalian, dan rasakan kemudahanya.
Selamat belanja.
Ketersediaan pelayanan antar:
1. Boyolali
2. Karanganyar
3. Surakarta
4. Sukoharjo
Because using the Vegetable Tuku application, you can shop for vegetables, fruit, halal meat and other fresh products and be sent directly to your doorstep.
Staying sweet at home, you just select the type of fresh products directly from the Tuku Vegetable application. It's easy, right? With the process of choosing the categories of vegetables, fruit, meat and others you no longer need to be confused about what to eat today.
Vegetable Tuku is now available in the Play Store. Shopping for vegetables, fruit, meat and others is now no longer complicated.
Come on ... Install now the Vegetable Tuku Application on your mobile, and feel the ease.
Happy shopping.
Availability of delivery services:
1. Boyolali
2. Karanganyar
3. Surakarta
4. Sukoharjo